A Buffalo State University certificate program is designed for existing entrepreneurs to expand and grow their business through contracts. To do this, the program's focus is marketing and contract readiness. Importantly it will help a business to build credibility and greatly increase its ability to compete. Sessions run over as 8-week period. To find out more information click here or contact the SBDC at 716-878-4030.
Four intensive workshops in entrepreneurship will provide essential knowledge for creating and operating your own arts enterprise. Learn how to develop your creative business in the studio arts, graphic and digital design, animation, film, music performance, audio technology, theater, dance, creative writing, communication, and other creative endeavors. Offered over four consecutive Wednesday evenings at the Buffalo State campus, the workshops will inform you about understanding your market; selling locally, nationally, and on the WEB; how to prepare a guiding plan; and the role of finance in your business. For further information contact our office at (716) 878-4030.
The KidBiz Market is a small-scale entrepreneurial and educational program for 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th graders which culminates in an open-air market along bustling Elmwood Avenue. To be part of KidBiz and sell at the KidBiz Market, a child and supportive adult must attend the training session. For more information contact 716-878-4030.
Small Business Development Center
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